We've compiled and categorized the following list of 120+ YouTube channels below to help you find Chinese language YouTube content that interests you. Watching hours of interesting video will serve as a huge boost to your Chinese listening and vocabulary skill levels.
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Use the filters in heading row to filter for your desired topic, subtitle format, etc. There is an incredible amount of content avaliable on YouTube and this list just begins to scratch the surface. We hope you find something you enjoy directly from this compilation, but you can also branch off to other channels in a specific category by exploring the suggested channels on the YouTube sidebar when visiting any of the channels provided.
We have surveyed several videos on each of the channels listed to determine if they commonly contain subtitles and, if so, whether they are embedded into the video frame (hard) or are in a digital format (soft). If you're a beginner, we recommend starting first by viewing content with a soft subtitle format so you can quickly look up vocabulary using a brower pop-up dictionary, such as Zhongwen.
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