We've compiled and categorized the following list of 50 Chinese network TV shows below to help you find Chinese content that truly interests you. Watching hours of interesting video content will serve as a huge boost to your Chinese listening and vocabulary skill levels by giving you high levels of language input in an immersive visual environment, bringing full context to the vocabulary.
Note that this list is far from complete and that we plan to make significant updates in the future to provide a broader selection of content. This compilation of shows is currently almost entirely focused on documentary series programs and programs which are recorded in front of a studio audience (variety shows, reality game shows, etc). Future expansions of this list will include popular scripted TV series shows, so check back in the future for updates.
When viewing this page on mobile, we recommend tapping "View larger version" in the bottom right of the table and turning your phone sideways to use the table more easily.
The majority of these shows should be easily found on YouTube, as many of the majority TV networks listed have their own YouTube channels. Most of these network YouTube channels are also listed in the JinbuPal YouTube Channels library as well.
We have a blog post and video about how you can improve your Chinese language learning experience while watching on YouTube by combining several Chrome extensions. The accessibility of these tools is the primary reason we recommend watching films on YouTube, if possible. Check out the blog post and take advantage of these helpful tools.
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